import csv import sys import re # Global variables name = "MySymbol" font = 1.27 size = (0, 0) step = 0 side = '' num = 1 dnum = 1 direction = 0 x, y = 0, 0 pos_cache = {} # Cache for storing positions based on size props = {} # properties keywords=['name:', 'size:', 'sizep:', 'step:', 'side:', 'num:', 'rnum:', 'font:', 'prop:'] def split_by_whitespace_or_comma(s): return re.split(r'[,\s]\s*', s) def parse_line(line): parts = line.split() if parts[0] in keywords: return parts[0][:-1], ' '.join(parts[1:]) else: return 'pin', parts def update_globals(key, value): global size, step, side, num, x, y, name, props, dnum if key == 'size': new_size = tuple(map(float, split_by_whitespace_or_comma(value))) size = new_size if key == 'sizep': new_size = tuple(map(float, split_by_whitespace_or_comma(value))) size = (round(new_size[0]/2+1)*2 * step, round(new_size[1]/2+1)*2 * step ) #print(step) #print(size) elif key == 'step': step = float(value) elif key == 'font': font = float(value) elif key == 'side': reset_position(value) side = value elif key == 'num': num = int(value) dnum = 1 elif key == 'rnum': num = int(value) dnum = -1 elif key == 'name': name = value elif key == 'prop': a = re.split(r'[,\s]\s*', value, maxsplit=1) if(len(a) == 2): props[a[0]] = a[1] def cache_current_position(): global pos_cache, side, x, y, direction pos_cache[side] = (x, y, direction) def reset_position(new_side): global pos_cache, size, x, y, step, direction, side if(side == new_side): return; if new_side in pos_cache: x, y, direction = pos_cache[new_side] else: if(side != ''): cache_current_position() #print(size) if new_side == 'L': x = -size[0] / 2 - step y = size[1] / 2 - step direction = 0 elif new_side == 'R': x = size[0] / 2 + step y = size[1] / 2 - step direction = 180 elif new_side == 'T': x = -size[0] / 2 + step y = size[1] / 2 + step direction = 270 elif new_side == 'B': x = -size[0] / 2 + step y = -size[1] / 2 - step direction = 90 #print(f'{x} {y} {direction}') def calculate_position(): global x, y, num position = (x, y) if side in ['L', 'R']: y -= step else: # 'T' or 'B' x += step return position prop_pos = 0 def print_prop(prop_name, val, col=-1, row=-1, hide=True): global props, font, prop_pos display = "hide" x = font y = prop_pos if(row != -1): y = round(size[1] / 2 + step - (step*row), 2) if(col != -1): x = round(-size[0] / 2 + step + (step*col), 2) if(not hide): display = "(justify left)" s = f' (property "{prop_name}" "{val}" (at {x} {y:.2f} 0)\n' \ f' (effects (font (size {font} {font})) {display})\n' \ f' )\n' prop_pos = y - step*2 return s def generate_rectangle_record(_name, step, size): global props, name TLx, TLy = round(-size[0] / 2, 2), round(size[1] / 2, 2) BRx, BRy = round(size[0] / 2, 2), round(-size[1] / 2, 2) s = "" for key, prop_v in props.items(): row = -1 col = -1 hide = (key != "Reference") if(key == "Reference"): row = 1 col = 0 if(key == "Value"): name = prop_v _name = prop_v continue s += print_prop(key, prop_v, col, -1, hide) s += print_prop("Value", name, row=0, hide=False) return s + \ f' (symbol "{name}_0_1"\n' \ f' (rectangle (start {TLx:.2f} {TLy:.2f}) (end {BRx:.2f} {BRy:.2f})\n' \ f' (stroke (width {round(step/10, 3):.2f}) (type default))\n' \ f' (fill (type background))\n' \ f' )\n' \ f' )\n' def generate_pin_records(name, step, pin_data): pin_records = '' for num, pin_name, pin_type, x, y, direction in pin_data: x_rounded = round(x, 2) y_rounded = round(y, 2) step_rounded = round(step, 2) #step_half_rounded = round(step / 2, 2) pin_records += f' (pin {pin_type} line (at {x_rounded:.2f} {y_rounded:.2f} {direction} ) (length {step_rounded:.2f})\n' \ f' (name "{pin_name}" (effects (font (size {font:.2f} {font:.2f}))))\n' \ f' (number "{num}" (effects (font (size {font:.2f} {font:.2f}))))\n' \ f' )\n' return f' (symbol "{name}_1_1"\n' + pin_records + '\n )\n' pin_type_map = { 'i': 'input', 'o': 'output', 'io': 'bidirectional', 'vin': 'power_in', 'v': 'power_in', 'n': 'passive', '-': 'passive', 'vout': 'power_out', 'nc': 'no_connect' } def map_pin_type(pin_type): global pin_type_map #print(pin_type) s = pin_type_map.get(pin_type.lower(), pin_type) #print(s) return s def process_file(input_file, output_file): global num, dnum, direction, prop_pos, size results = [] with open(input_file, 'r') as infile: for line in infile: line = line.strip() if(len(line) == 0): continue if(line[0] == '#'): continue if(line == '-' or line == '--'): calculate_position() continue key, value = parse_line(line) if key != 'pin': update_globals(key, value) else: # Treat as a pin name-type pair pin_name, pin_type = value pin_type = map_pin_type(pin_type) position = calculate_position() results.append([num, pin_name, pin_type, round(position[0], 2), round(position[1], 2), direction]) num += dnum #print(results) if output_file: with open(output_file, 'w', newline='') as outfile: csv_writer = csv.writer(outfile) csv_writer.writerow(['Pin Number', 'Pin Name', 'Pin Type', 'Position X', 'Position Y', 'Direction']) csv_writer.writerows(results) else: #print('Pin Number, Pin Name, Pin Type, Position X, Position Y', 'Direction') #for row in results: # print(', '.join(map(str, row))) prop_pos = round(size[1] / 2, 2) + step print( f'(kicad_symbol_lib (version 20220914) (generator\n' \ f' (symbol "{name}" (in_bom yes) (on_board yes)\n') print(generate_rectangle_record(name, step, size)) print(generate_pin_records(name, step, results)) print( f' )\n)\n') if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) < 2: print("Usage:") print(" python > ") print(" or") print(" python ") else: input_file = sys.argv[1] output_file = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) > 2 else None process_file(input_file, output_file)