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File System Link creation utility for NT/w2k/XP

xln_v3.rar/tgz (17.9 Kb/18.7 Kb) - xln.exe

File System Link creation utility for NT/w2k/XP. Current version supports Hard & Symbolic Links on volumes those support it (NTFS) and Shell Links (.lnk-files).

Hard Link can point to file on same partition only. Both OS and FS make no difference between Hard Link(s) and the original file. Such file systems support concept of data streams and named references (links) to these streams. In this therminology all observed files are hard links to data streams. When you remove file (or Hard Link) reference count of data stream decreased. If it reaches zero, data stream is actually removed. So, data will not be lost until at least 1 link exists. Hard Links cannot point to directories.

Symbolic Link (Reparse Point) points to Directories only, but on any partition. Against Hard Link'а, Symbolic Link is just pointer to some path. If you remove directory pointed by Symbolic Link, all data will be lost and Symbolic Link shall point to nowhere.

Shell Link (or ShortCut) can point to any file or folder. Neither OS nor FS make special processing for such files. Only windows Explorer and specially designed applications know that .lnk sould be treated as link.

  xln [<switch> [<keys>]] <target> <link name>
  -h       NTFS hard link (assumed by default)
  -n       NTFS reparse point
  -w       Windows Shell link
Shell link keys (for .LNK files):
  -d  <description>
  -wd <working directory>
  -a  <command line arguments>
  -r  assume target path is relative
NTFS reparse point keys:
  -b  break link
  xln -w "C:\Program Files\Far\Far.exe" "C:\WINDOWS\Profiles\All Users\Start Menu\Far.lnk"
  xln -n "C:\xxx" "C:\WINDOWS\Profiles\All Users\Start Menu\xxx"
  xln -n -b "C:\xxx"

xln_v1.rar/tgz (14.5 Kb/15 Kb) - xln.exe, xln_v1_src.rar/tgz (3.4 Kb/3.5 Kb) - sources

xln_v2.rar/tgz (16 Kb/16.6 Kb) - xln.exe, xln_v2_src.rar/tgz (4.4 Kb/4.5 Kb) - sources
Added basic Shell Links support (.lnk) 2004.05.28

xln_v3.rar/tgz (17.9 Kb/18.7 Kb) - xln.exe, xln_v3_src.rar/tgz (5.5 Kb/5.5 Kb) - sources
Added NTFS Reparse Points support. Now you can create or break symbolic links to directories. Requires Windows 2000 or higher. 2006.03.28

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